Sustainable actions to face the serious drought situation in Catalonia

At Twentytú Hostel we make a responsible use of water through the latest technology

Boy washing his hands to lessen the chance of COVID-19

On International Water Day we want to make a worldwide call for a responsible use of water.
The current situation in Catalunya, and in Barcelona, is becoming increasingly worrying due to
low rainfall and lack of water.
Currently, climate change has caused different impacts on the water cycle, so droughts,
melting glaciers, rising sea levels, and changes in rainfall and snowfall abound. These impacts
depend on the uses that humans make of water, since we consume more water than we can
afford, for example, during a shower we use an average of 20 liters per minute, which is
equivalent to the same amount that a person drinks in 50 days. Moreover, the areas most
affected by this water shortage are those with a profile of higher temperatures and lower
rainfall, which in turn are the biggest consumers of water, and in which water supplies can be
reduced by 50%.
Drought is a gradual process that progresses depending on the reserves of the reservoirs of the
Ter-Llobregat system. The action protocol for drought situation in Barcelona includes different
phases, and we’re currently in the emergency phase, based on the exceptional lack of water
resources, in which extraordinary restrictions and limitations on the use of water are
The drought traffic light foresees a further phase, the recovery phase, which is activated
according to the severity of the damage caused. It includes specific actions that allow the
gradual recovery of a situation of normality.


This drought phase leads to the following restrictions on water use, which, if not respected,
can lead to different sanctions. These restrictions are:

  • Maximum water consumption is 200 liters per person per day.
  • The irrigation of green areas and gardens, both public and private, is prohibited. Non-potable
    phreatic water or reclaimed water may be used to irrigate trees in the affected municipalities.
  • It’s forbidden to totally or partially fill any type of swimming pool for private or family use.
    Only those belonging to sports facilities may do so, provided that they apply saving measures
    equivalent to the volume of water used to fill them.
  • It’s forbidden to fill ornamental fountains, artificial lakes or other elements of aesthetic use of
  • It’s prohibited to clean streets, sewers, pavements, facades or buildings with potable water,
    whether public or private. The use of non-potable water will be maintained, but the number of
    teams performing this type of cleaning will be reduced.
  • Vehicles may only be cleaned in commercial establishments that are dedicated to this and that have a water circulation system.
  • Reduction of agricultural irrigation by 80%.
  • Reduction of water use for livestock by 50%.
  • 25% reduction in water consumption by industrial users.
  • Reduction of water consumption in recreational uses (25% in uses assimilated to urban uses).



Within the current outlook, in Twentytú Hostel we carry out different sustainable actions to
contribute to the environment and the planet, therefore we give importance to the
responsible use of the consumption of all resources, in this case water, one of the most
necessary goods for the survival of the human being and that, increasingly, is becoming scarce.
In order to use water in a safe and responsible way, since our birth we have implemented a 17-
second timer system in all our showers, which allows all our guests to take a shower with
awareness of the amount of water used for each shower we take and, thus, learn not to waste
it and to instill it as a responsible habit.

Another responsible and technological action with the use of water, in Twentytú Hostel we
have a gray water system where we process the water that comes from the showers and the
hand faucet of the whole establishment to use it in the toilet cisterns of all the rooms and
common bathrooms.

This system uses the latest technology through a tank that allows us to store the water from
the showers and taps, and is cleaned for reuse in the toilet cisterns.
For a good use of water when going to the bathroom, implementing two buttons is key to
avoid wasting water unnecessarily. Depending on the need, in our bathrooms you can choose
between using 3L of water, with a smaller button, or using 6L of water, with a larger button.


Until now, we all believed that water was unlimited and that there was no end to its use.
Perhaps now it is time to wake up and be aware that water is a limited resource and that, if we
do not contribute together, it can have serious consequences. We give you different tips for all
of us to carry out and make a joint action for the good use of water:

  • Responsibility in the use of cisterns, which involves a waste of between 6 and 10 liters of
    water and taps when washing our hands and teeth.
  • Do not use water to defrost food.
  • Run dishwashers and washing machines only when they are full. In addition, it is not
    necessary to rinse the dishes before putting them in, only the food remains can be removed.
    This saves between 20 and 40 liters of water per day.
  • Mornings and evenings are the best time to water the garden and save water. It is also important to apply proper watering techniques.




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